Supreme Court Exchanges Black Robes For White Hoods
Washington, D.C. - Chief Justice John Roberts announced today that justices of the Supreme Court of the United States will no longer wear black robes but will instead switch to white hoods and white robes.
Calling the move long overdue, Roberts said, "This switch back to pre-Civil War judicial attire is in keeping with a return to the traditional values America had in the early 1800s before the country was overtaken with uppity Blacks and pushy women who felt that they had rights equal to those of wealthy White landowners."
I can picture Scalia at the annual Supreme Court picnic roasting marshmellows under the burning cross with his good buddy Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas will be their lawn jockey.
The proposed costume change is a logical one, but perhaps even more fitting would be to provide a purely symbolic expression of ersatz integration by changing the 5-member conservative majority to white robes with hoods, while keeping the 4-member moderate minority in black robes, but with the addition of minstrel-style blackface.
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