Saturday, August 12, 2006

Mosquitoes As Big As Pigeons Escape Lab & Terrorize Community

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina - Technicians at Bayer CropScience admitted today that a large number of mosquitoes used in research for the development of new pesticides have escaped from their laboratory and have entered the surrounding community where they are reproducing rapidly and spreading at an alarming rate. Adding to the anxiety over the introduction of these pests into the outside environment is the fact that these specially bred blood suckers are the size of pigeons and can drain a half pint of blood in one bite. They are also known to carry an extremely virulent strain of the West Nile virus.

Executives at Bayer CropScience admitted that the situation is urgent and said it is likely that these super-sized mosquitoes will gradually infest the entire country from coast to coast. Fortunately, Bayer CropScience has just received approval from the government for a new extremely potent pesticide called MuchoMuerte™. Floyd Fleewell, a spokesperson for Bayer CropScience, said, "We are prepared to ramp up production so that we can make sure there is enough MuchoMuerte™ to sell to communities as they become infested and, to show our commitment to these affected areas, we will offer MuchoMuerte™ at a substantial discount."

MuchoMuerte™ can be sprayed from trucks with specially mounted equipment or from the air by plane. MuchoMuerte™ is classified as nontoxic to humans but, as a precaution, residents are encouraged to remain indoors with their windows closed for a period of three to five weeks after application.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really made me laugh. What's not funny though is our city just got aerial sprayed! No proof that it helps but what the hell, it's a profit for the pesticide industry. So what if people are being poisoned. They call it the "pesticides treadmill". Natural predators are killed off requiring even more pesticides in the future. Lots of propaganda here with the corporate media fully complicit, as usual.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bayer needs to be checked out and penalized or is and article about some other major sociopathic act by Bayer!!!

Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia

BayerRecently unearthed documents show that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine -- Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs -- to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS.

The company stopped selling the drug in the United States in 1984, but continued to sell it overseas for an additional year.

The medicine was made using combined plasma from large numbers of donors; at the time, there was no screening test for the AIDS virus, so a tiny number of donors with AIDS could inadvertently contaminate a large batch.

Unloading the Drug on the Unknowing

Records show that the company continued to sell the medicine overseas in an attempt to avoid being left with a large stock of a drug that was no longer marketable in the United States. The dangers of the drug had become well-known domestically, but the news was slower to reach other parts of the world.

However, Bayer also continued to manufacture the medicine for several months after pulling it from the market in the United States, because it was cheaper to produce than the new, safer product they were introducing as a replacement.

Although worldwide numbers are difficult to calculate, in Hong Kong and Taiwan alone, more than 100 hemophiliacs contracted HIV after using the medicine, and most have died.

FDA Collusion
FDA regulators helped to keep the continued sales hidden, asking the company that the problem be ''quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public,'' according to the minutes of a 1985 meeting. April 2, 2006

New York Times May 22, 2003

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:17 AM  

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