Today's Daily Quiz: September 5, 2007
Should the Supreme Court's five extreme right-wing justices be forced to wear clown costumes in place of the traditional black robes given their performance over the past year?
Previous DQ: A recent poll shows that 1/5 of Americans can't find the United States on a map. Why is this?
Answer (thanks to Lilith): I'll bet they could if Ryan Seacrest pointed it out on a map every week for 3 years, and Zac Ephon had it tattooed onto his forehead.
No, they should be forced to wear jackets with the emblems of their Corporate sponsors, like Nascar.
Actually, they should be made to wear their real outfits - that of Those who are Ring-Wraiths.
Actually, you're all missing the point.
Forget the black robes.
Forget the clown outfits.
All five -- Long Dong Silver included -- should wear snow-white robes and pointed head covers in honor of their true affiliation.
Why don't we combine both mike's idea and the sponsorship idea?
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